
  • Christina posted an update in the group Group logo of KPMG HoustonKPMG Houston 7 years, 6 months ago

    A breakfast bake is an easy way to get some veggies in every day! I make one on Sunday and just microwave a slice for 45 seconds in the morning before work! Every week I try to switch it up with different veggies and meat to make it interesting. 

    To make:
    Brown the meat (I use sausage, turkey sausage or bacon) 
    Bake potatoes till they are almost all the way done. (Sometimes Il use sweet potatoes or corn tortillas)
    Slice potatoes and put them on the bottom of a greased pan
    Put meat on top
    Add cheese
    Put veggies or beans on top (some veggies can be pre cooked I usually don’t though)
    Beat eggs and add milk to the eggs and pour over the bake till the veggies are almost covered
    Bake for 45 minutes or until eggs are firm. 

    So simple and a quick breakfast before work 🙂