1. Set An Example By far the best predictor of a child’s eating behavior is that of his or her parents. Enjoy veggies as a family and store your fresh produce at kids-eye level, so it’s easily accessible.
2. Make Food Fun Kids love games and rewards, so make them a part of healthy eating. Reward kids with stickers for trying new vegetables or pretend you’re a dinosaur eating “trees” of broccoli. Create a positive experience with vegetables.
3. Adopt The One Bite Rule Research shows that it can take as many as 15 exposures to a new food before a child will accept it. Requiring your child to try at least one bite of whatever vegetable is served can eventually lead to changes in eating behavior.
4. Get The Kids Involved Children will be invested in a meal if they have helped with the planning and preparation. Ask them for help making the grocery list or allow them to select the produce from the store displays. Giving them a job in the kitchen, like washing the carrots or snapping the green beans, can create a whole new element of fun with produce.
5. Don’t Give Up! Some children will like veggies more than others at first, but the habits they develop at an early age will follow the, into adulthood. Encouraging them to try new things and make healthy choices will pay off in the long run!
Use our Downloadable Parent Tools Below! Engage your kids with our planting guide, Veggie of the Day, Veggie Facts, Coloring Pages, Veggie Log and Prize form!