Help Promote Healthier Eating

Recipe for Success Foundation is a non-profit charity determined to reverse the trend of childhood obesity.  We fight marketing with marketing in order to promote, empower and normalize healthy eating attitudes and habits. We advance food traditions that celebrate the melting pot of American culture, while honoring the concept of locally grown, home cooked meals, and emphasizing the importance of fresh foods, prepared from scratch and shared at table with family and friends.

Now in our 14th year of operations, our programs continue to make a difference for thousands of people of all ages across the country through our nutrition education programs, public awareness campaigns, community engagement and outreach.

With an annual operating budget of $1.5 million, we conduct national programs including Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Education™, the VegOut! 30 Ways in 30 Days Challenge, Farmers MarKIDS DAYS, Eat It! Food Adventures™ and in Houston we operate Hope Farms.

It costs $2.85 a minute, $171 an hour, or $4,109 a day to activate our programs to empower children and their families to live healthier lives.

  • $5,000 launches our Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Education™ program at a new school with a 3-year Affiliate Partnership
  • $1,000 pays for one week of instruction and living stipend for a veteran who is training to be a farmer
  • $500 pays for an entire year of healthy programming for a student in one of our Showcase Schools

Now you can VegOut! to empower children and their families to live healthier lives. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Create a profile
  2. Choose your fundraising goal
  3. Get the word out