Why Should I Fundraise?

Tuna SaladThe statistics are staggering: more than 30% of American children and 74% of adults are overweight and at risk for obesity or already suffering from its effects, while many of inner city neighborhoods are marooned in food deserts with little or no access to fresh produce. The toll of chronic disease and poor health on our kids and community cannot be understated.

That’s why Recipe for Success Foundation has empowered over 50,000 children with the knowledge and skills they need to maintain healthy diets through our Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Education™, which is now available in schools nationwide.  And it’s why we created Hope Farms, where we transform military veterans into a battalion of new agripreneurs, training them as urban farmers prepared to continue to serve their community by growing fresh, affordable produce in the middle of our cities.

After more than a decade, our programs have empowered and inspired tens of thousands of children and adults by making healthy food an easy, delicious adventure!