Today is the day! The start of #VegOut2016 This year, our team members can win prizes from Neiman Marcus for completing the challenge: Follow @NeimanMarcus and @R4SFoundation on Instagram of Facebook and send us your best “fashionable” veggie pic with the hashtags #VegOut2016 and #VegIsTheNewBlack for a chance to win a $100 NEIMAN MARCUS GIF…[Read more]
NEW PRIZES FOR 2016!!! Follow @NeimanMarcus and @R4SFoundation on Instagram or Facebook and send us your best “fashionable” veggie pic with the hashtags #VegOut2016 and #VegIsTheNewBlack FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A $100 NEIMAN MARCUS GIFT CARD! The more you post, the more chances you have to win, but you must be registered to VegOut!, be a member of…[Read more]
#vegisthenewblack We looked pretty sassy while eating wonderfully healthy lunch at Hermann Park Conservancy. Me in Oscar and and English bonnet, Martha Finger, just home from India looking ever so much more stylish in her custom made turban. #vegout2015