Back to School & Fall Harvest Bounty

It’s that time of year again – backpacks and school supplies are purchased, and morning rushes onto buses or into carpools reign chaotic during the week. Often, as the year gets busier, we find it hard to keep on track with healthy eating. The last thing we want to do after driving the kids all over town after school or battling over homework  is to spend extra time cooking a healthy dinner from scratch. Never mind planning a healthy lunchbox for the next day! We know where you’re coming from, and we want to help.

October is also Farm to School month, so we’ll be sharing tips on ways to incorporate farmer’s market outings with the healthy foods you and your kids are eating at home!

Join us on your own, as a team, or with your school/company/friends/family for this monthlong challenge celebrating the fall abundance!

Mushrooms of eternal life?

Thought by ancient Egyptians circa 2000 BC to ensure immortality, the pharaohs ordered that no commoner could touch these edible fungi. However, despite its status as a non-veggie, we encourage you to work these low-cal, nutrient-dense treats into your cooking routine to boost your immune system. Have you ever scavenged for wild mushrooms?

Carrots in technicolor?

The ancestors to today’s carrots grew wild in Afghanistan, and were originally cultivated for their aromatic seeds and leaves. The root was first used in the 1st century, and by the 12th century Arabs were cultivating red and yellow varieties. Now you can find carrots in myriad colors, such as these. How do you nibble this “rabbit food”?