Summer Couscous Salad

A #cooktheharvest recipe!

Summer Couscous Salad
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Servings Prep Time
6 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Summer Couscous Salad
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Servings Prep Time
6 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
For the salad
For the dressing
For the couscous
Servings: servings
Make the Couscous
  1. In a stainless steel or glass mixing bowl, add the couscous
  2. Fill a small saucepot with 2 ¼ cups water. Add ½ teaspoon of salt. Place the pot over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the hot water over the couscous and cover with foil. Set aside for 5 minutes or until all the liquid has been absorbed.
Make the Dressing
  1. Cut the lemons in half. Squeeze the juice into a small bowl.
  2. Whisk together ¼ cup lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Set aside
Prepare the Fruits,Vegetables, and Herbs
  1. Quarter the cherry tomatoes.
  2. Slice the green onions, stem and stalk.
  3. De-stem mint and rough chop.
  4. De-stem parsley and rough chop.
  5. Peel and dice kohlrabi.
  6. Slice cucumber into long sections around the seeds and small dice.
Assemble the Salad
  1. Remove cover from couscous and fluff gently with a fork
  2. Add the vegetables, fruits, herbs, and cheese and toss with the dressing. Enjoy!
  3. Will last regrigerated for several days
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Pi Day Green Torta

This recipe is adapted from David Tanis’s Torta Pasqualina recipe for New York Times Cooking.



Pi Day Green Torta
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Servings Prep Time
10-12 slices 45 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
10-12 slices 45 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Pi Day Green Torta
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Servings Prep Time
10-12 slices 45 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
10-12 slices 45 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings: slices
Make the dough
  1. Make the dough: Put flour in a large mixing bowl. Stir together 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon salt and 4 tablespoons oil, then pour over flour and mix until dough comes together in a rough ball.
  2. Turn out onto a floured board and knead until smooth, 2 to 3 minutes, adding more flour if dough is sticky. Wrap and set aside at room temperature for 30 minutes. (May refrigerate overnight and bring to room temperature.)
Make the filling
  1. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large skillet or wide pot over medium heat. Add onions and a little salt and cook, stirring, until softened, about 5 minutes. Add greens, season generously with salt and pepper, and mix well.
  2. Coarsely chop greens, add to mixture and cook until just beginning to wilt. Turn off heat.
  3. Add nutmeg, ricotta and half the Parmesan and mix. Taste and adjust; it should be highly seasoned. Beat 4 of the eggs. Set aside 3 tablespoons beaten egg; add remaining beaten egg to greens and mix well. Let cool.
  4. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Cut dough into 4 pieces and form into balls. Roll out each ball into a very thin 12-inch circle. Place 1 dough circle on a 12-inch pizza pan lined with parchment. Brush lightly with oil, then lay another dough circle on top.
  5. Spoon greens evenly over dough to a 2-inch thickness, leaving a 1-inch border of dough. Smooth the surface. With a soup spoon, make 5 indentations in greens and crack a raw egg into each depression. Sprinkle with remaining Parmesan.
  6. Cover with another dough circle and paint lightly with oil. Place last dough circle on top. Using a paring knife, trim any excess dough at perimeter of pie. Fold outer edges together and crimp to seal pie. Paint top with reserved beaten egg. Using a paring knife, make 2 or 3 steam vents.
  7. Bake for about 45 minutes, until very well browned. Slide torta onto a cutting board and let cool slightly before slicing. May also be served at room temperature.
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Maple Roasted Acorn Squash with Millet, Grapes + Autumn Leaves

Recipe by VegOut! Challenge Ambassador & Chef Erin O’Leary Stewart of DEFINE Foods

Maple Roasted Acorn Squash with Millet, Grapes + Autumn Leaves
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Servings Prep Time
4 people 20 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 people 20 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Maple Roasted Acorn Squash with Millet, Grapes + Autumn Leaves
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Servings Prep Time
4 people 20 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 people 20 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings: people
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. To make the dressing, whisk together the Dijon, maple and vinegar. Drizzle in the olive oil, whisking to combine. Season to taste with sea salt and pepper. Set aside.
  3. To make the millet, place the millet in a small saucepan on low and allow to dry toast for a few minutes. Add the water and bring to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer. Cover and allow to cook, simmering for 15 minutes. Take off the burner and let sit, covered, for 5 minutes. Toss the cooked millet with some of the dressing and set aside. This can be done up to a day in advance. The longer the millet marinates in the dressing, the better. Store in the refrigerator and allow to come to room temperature before serving.
  4. Toss the squash, grapes and shallot in a large bowl with olive oil, sea salt and pepper. Spread onto a foil-lined half sheet pan and roast in the oven for 20 minutes until the squash is fork tender.
  5. To assemble, plate some of the squash rings on a platter or plate, layering with the millet, greens and grapes. Drizzle any pan drippings and spoon a little more dressing on top. Garnish with walnuts and sea salt. Serve at room temperature.
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Carrot and Kohlrabi Soup

Carrot and Kohlrabi Soup
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Rating: 3
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Servings Prep Time
5 servings 30 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
5 servings 30 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Carrot and Kohlrabi Soup
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Servings Prep Time
5 servings 30 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
5 servings 30 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
The Soup
The Croutons
Servings: servings
Make the Soup
  1. Prepare your mise en place.
  2. Place water in a sauce pot. Bring to a boil.
  3. Add carrots, kohlrabi and onion to the water. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the vegetables are soft
  4. Place a strainer over a bowl. Drain the vegetables into the strainer. Save the liquid.
  5. Place the vegetables in a blender or food processor. Puree until smooth.
  6. Place the puree, the cooking liquid, chicken broth and milk into a saucepot.
  7. Heat to a simmer and cook for 30 minutes
  8. Add coriander, salt and pepper to taste.
Make the Croutons
  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
  2. Place bread into a bowl. Add the oil and toss to coat.
  3. Spread cubes on a parchment-lined sheet tray.
  4. Place pan in the oven and bake until golden brown- about 10-12 minutes.
  5. Garnish soup with croutons. Enjoy!
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Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup
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Votes: 4
Rating: 4.75
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Servings Prep Time
8 servings 15 minutes
Cook Time
36 minutes
Servings Prep Time
8 servings 15 minutes
Cook Time
36 minutes
Butternut Squash Soup
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Votes: 4
Rating: 4.75
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Servings Prep Time
8 servings 15 minutes
Cook Time
36 minutes
Servings Prep Time
8 servings 15 minutes
Cook Time
36 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. Prepare your mise en place.
  2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and garlic, sauté until tender--about 5 minutes.
  3. Add the butternut squash and the ginger to the skillet. Cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Add cumin and toast until fragrant, about 1 minute.
  5. Add water and milk to the skillet. Season with pepper. Cover and cook for 20 minutes.
  6. Transfer the soup and yogurt to a blender. Puree in batches until smooth. Season to taste. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

Careful when working with hot liquid in the blender to not overfill.

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